
Business and Information Technology

Eventually, most students encounter the world of business, whether they work in cities or towns or in rural areas. Young people need to understand how business functions, its role in our society, the opportunities it generates, the skills it requires, and the potential impact it can have on their lives and society, today and in the future.

The business studies program builds a strong foundation for those who wish to move on to further study and training in specialized areas such as management, international business, marketing, accounting, information technology, or entrepreneurship. Courses provide practical skills for those who wish to move directly into the world of business.


Business and I.T. Courses - Grade 9
SubjectCourse Code(s)
Introduction to Business


Business and I.T. Courses - Grade 10
SubjectCourse Code(s)
Information and Communication Technology in Business


Business and I.T. Courses - Grade 11
SubjectCourse Code(s)

BAF3M1 (College/University)


BDI3C1 (College) *

Marketing: Goods, Services, Events

BMI3C1 (College) *

*Courses offered in alternate years.

Business and I.T. Courses - Grade 12
SubjectCourse Code(s)


Organizational Studies


*Courses offered in alternate years.

See the course calendar for full course descriptions.