
Technological Education

Technology is a form of knowledge that uses computers, materials, energy, tools and equipment, skills and knowledge to directly create the world in which we live. Students learn by doing. Each course in technological education takes an activity-based, project-driven approach to learning that provides students with knowledge, skills, and experience.

In the Grade 9 Exploring Technologies course, students are introduced to a sampling of technological concepts, knowledge and skills that apply to different areas in technological studies.

Grade 10 to 12 technological courses prepare students for specialized areas of study at the university or college level or for school-to-work transition. Subject areas of focus include communications, transportation, construction, custom woodworking, hospitality and tourism.


Technological Education Courses - Grade 9
SubjectCourse Code(s)
Exploring Technologies

TIJ1O1 (Open)

Technological Education Courses - Grade 10
SubjectCourse Code(s)
Communications Technology

TGJ2O1 (Open)

Construction Technology

TCJ2O1 (Open)

Transportation Technology

TTJ2O1 (Open)

Technological Education Courses - Grade 11
SubjectCourse Code(s)
Communications Technology

TGJ3M1 (College/University)
TGG3M1 Print & Graphic Communications (College/University)
TGV3M1 TV, Video & Movie Production (College/University)
TGJ3O1 Broadcast & Print Production (Open)

Construction Technology

TCJ3E1 (Workplace)

Custom Woodworking

TWJ3E1 (Workplace)
TWJ3E2 (Workplace)

Transportation Technology

TTJ3O1 (Open)
TTJ3C1 (College)
TTJ3C2 (College)

Technological Education Courses - Grade 12
SubjectCourse Code(s)
Communications Technology

TGJ4M1 (College/University)
TGG4M1 Print & Graphic Communications (College/University)
TGV4M1 TV, Video & Movie Production (College/University)
TGJ4O1 Broadcast & Print Production (Open)

Construction Technology

TCJ4EA (Workplace)

Custom Woodworking

TWJ4E1 (Workplace)
TWJ3E2 (Workplace)

Transportation Technology

TTJ4E1 (Workplace)
TTJ4C1 (College)
TTS4C1 (College)

See the course calendar for full course descriptions.