

Concussion Guide For Parents

Building a successful pathway through school is a co-operative effort involving students, parents/guardians, teachers and school support personnel. The Parents section of our website enhances our communication with parents/guardians and provides links to pertinent information regarding Fellowes High School (FHS).


Student Health Centre

In the school every Tuesday from 1030 - 1200 in Room 311.  A public health nurse is available to see students about a variety of health topics.  All students are welcome to drop in.  The services are confidential.

Our frequently asked questions, who to contact, school zone, and board forms and procedures provide answers to questions that our main office receive on a regular basis. If your child rides the bus, you can also access transportation and school bus status information.

If your child is new to FHS, you can visit new students to learn how our school will make their transition easier.

We welcome your involvement at FHS through our school council and volunteer opportunities. Parents can also become involved at the board level through the Parent Involvement Committee (PIC).

We want all students to succeed in their academic courses. Homework guidelines is important to satisfy the learning skills requirements outlined in report cards. The resources page includes links of interest to parents/guardians such as the Ontario Ministry of Education, and there is also a quick link to the RCDSB website.

The staff at FHS look forward to meeting you at parent-teacher conferences. If you have any questions or wish to provide feedback regarding your son/daughter's progress, please do not hesitate to contact us.