
School Improvement Plan

What is a school improvement plan?

A school improvement plan is a roadmap of the changes a school needs to make to improve its level of student achievement. The plan shows how and when these changes will be made.

Why is a school improvement plan needed?

School improvement plans help principals, teachers, and school councils answer the questions "What will we focus on now?" They encourage staff and parents to monitor student achievement levels. With current, reliable information about how well students are performing, schools are better able to respond to the needs of students, teachers, and parents.

How does the plan enhance learning?

The objective is to improve student achievement levels by enhancing the way curriculum is delivered, creating a positive learning environment, and increasing parental involvement in students' learning at school and at home. The plan involves teachers, school councils, parents, and other community members working together to gather and analyze information about the school and its students, so that they can determine what needs to be improved in their school.

School Goals for 2023-2024

Our school goals for 2023-2024 include:

  • Excellence in Teaching with a focus on differentiated instruction. Differentiated instruction is based on the premise that, since students differ significantly in their interests, learning styles, abilities, and prior experiences, then teaching strategies, materials, and pace should vary accordingly.
  • Mental Health Awareness focusing on positive self-esteem. We are engaging positive role models from the school and community as supports for students' development of self-esteem, body image, healthy relationships and other areas of concern. FHS has a mental health therapist available. Students are encouraged to talk to someone when problems arise.
  • Wise Use of Resources with an emphasis on use of technology in classrooms. A key outcome for the Renfrew County District Board of Education (RCDSB) is to improve the efficiency of school and the RCDSB operations to support student learning. FHS provides a variety of opportunities for students to use technology in the classrooms from interactive white boards to wireless devices and Twitter for enhancing teacher-student communications.